Thoughts on A.I. - an open letter

Written by: Nick Douglass-Shire, November 16, 2024

AI for me has been both beneficial but sometimes corrupt, in a way that companies, will immediately consider this technology on their workplace, even if it means cutting or laying off employees that does quality work, for the means of efficiency, and groundbreaking performance.

However, they fail to consider and understand the consumer at that point, especially the critics of their own products or services. And since they are a smaller voice and pose no harm on their bottom line, until such time happens that nobody ever buys from them anymore, a lot of things can happen to them, and I won't be the judge.

The use of AI for Daswagger on this site has been detrimental and helpful ever since I migrated away from TeleportHQ, due to their restricting and shifting obligations which affected me creatively.

While it may seem unethical to not code anything made by myself, I'm a writer, philosopher, a graphic designer, engineer, I draw, I paint, cook, make music, that's it. And I'm sorry, apart from those things, there's only some I can do, and some I don't.

In terms of media, due to how AI is presented as a "lazy tool" for lazy content creation, many will despise it and hate it, some won't even notice, but because it's influencing our environment, our entertainment, our industries, it makes the feeling of being human never the same as they have used to in the past.

Let me clear this up, Automation and AI are both different things, automation being, the execution of a certain task, is done by a single directive of a robotic movement. Whereas AI, it can do anything apart from that, but people are having problems with it.

Because there is no unique feeling to be had with AI, only rehashed work from another person's that's been scraped of its data, fed into its trainer, and reinterpreting it for the general consumer.

And unless you get a sentient robot like that one from the I Robot movie, if electricity had gone, and technologies no longer serve a purpose, we need to preserve human work for us to survive well into this potential dystopic future.

We can't let AI run our lives for too long, otherwise we'd become lazy, overdependent, and weakening. Seeing this, it may be considered as a threat, but to AI, it's an opportunity to be exploited in the future.

One time, I've seen an article about an AI-generated work winning an art contest meant for human derivatives, and the list of threats will grow from there, seeing how far neural networks like these can go, it might be time when we don't notice anything, but in the background, our lives might be ran by AI entirely.

In conclusion, AI should be used in moderation, not regulation. Just like how old we can drink, or get our driver's license, it's okay if they help with coding, or IT-related stuff, but when it comes over to media, such as creating visual or audio materials, feature-length films or shows, it's a complication to be had that'll be debated which could last for long.


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